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ZO Skin Health has developed a wide spectrum of advanced skincare protocols and products. They include therapeutic treatment protocols, highly effective products and daily skincare solutions that create and maintain healthy skin. Based on the latest scientific advances in skin therapy technologies, these products and protocols help physicians to provide continuous skin health for all skin types, genders and ages.

' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

' + ''); if (items > currentitems) { break; } } } } }); Experts = $('#txtExperts'), Practices = $('#txtPractices'), Treatments = $('#txtTreatments'), Speciality = $('#txtSpeciality'), closeDropdowns = function () { Experts.autocomplete('close'); Practices.autocomplete('close'); Treatments.autocomplete('close'); Speciality.autocomplete('close'); }; var treatmentID = $('#hdnSelectedTreatValue').val(); //$('[name="txtExperts"]').keyup(function (e) { $('[name="txtExperts"]').on('keyup', debounce(function () { $('#ddlExpertSet').css('display', 'block'); $('#mega-ddl').css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlPractices").css('display', 'block'); $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); var val = $.trim($(this).val()).replace(/ +/g, ' ').toLowerCase(); if (!(val == "" || val == undefined || val == "undefined")) { var _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNamesForSearch'; var url = $(location).attr('href'); var method = url.split('/'); if (method[4] != null) { var str1 = method[4]; var str2 = "westham"; if (str1.indexOf(str2) != -1) { _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNamesForSearch1'; } } $.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: val, treatmentID: currentTreatmentId }, success: function (data) { ExpertsandPractices = data; $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); //ExpertsandPractices = data; expertitems = 1; practiceitems = 1; var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = ExpertsandPractices[index].Slug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

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    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }); } else { var _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames'; var url = $(location).attr('href'); var method = url.split('/'); if (method[4] != null) { var str1 = method[4]; var str2 = "westham"; if (str1.indexOf(str2) != -1) { _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames1'; } } $.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: currentTreatmentId }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); ExpertsandPractices = data; expertitems = 1; practiceitems = 1; var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = ExpertsandPractices[index].Slug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

    Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (8)

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }); } }, 300)); $('[name="txtTreatments"]').keyup(function (e) { //debugger; e.stopPropagation(); var isEntryAvailable = false; $('#ddlTreatmentSet').css('display', 'block'); $('#mega-ddlTreatment').css('display', 'block'); // $('#mega-ddl').css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlTreatment").css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlSpeciality").css('display', 'block'); var code = e.keyCode || e.which; if (code == '9') return; if (code == '27') $(this).val(null); var $rows = $('.dual-listtreatment').find('.list-group li'); var val = $.trim($(this).val()).replace(/ +/g, ' ').toLowerCase(); $ () { var text = $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase(); //var value = text.startsWith(val); // by rakesh var value = text.includes(val); // by rakesh if (value) { isEntryAvailable = true; } //return !text.startsWith(val); // by rakesh return !text.includes(val); // by rakesh }).hide(); if (!isEntryAvailable) { $('#ddlTreatment').append('

  • No record found
  • '); $('#ddlSpeciality').append('

  • No record found
  • '); } }); $("#txtExperts").on("click", function () { //alert("Treatments") // by rakesh IsExpertClickd = true; $('#ddlExpertSet').css('display', 'block'); $('#mega-ddl').css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlPractices").css('display', 'block'); $('#ddlTreatmentSet').css('display', 'none'); $('#mega-ddlTreatment').css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlTreatment").css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlSpeciality").css('display', 'none'); }); $("#txtTreatments").on("click", function () { //debugger; IsTreatmentClickd = true; $('#ddlTreatmentSet').css('display', 'block'); $('#mega-ddlTreatment').css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlTreatment").css('display', 'block'); $("#ddlSpeciality").css('display', 'block'); $('#ddlExpertSet').css('display', 'none'); $('#mega-ddl').css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlPractices").css('display', 'none'); }); var treatmentValue = $("#hdnSelectedTreatValue").val(); var _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames'; var url = $(location).attr('href'); var method = url.split('/'); if (method[4] != null) { var str1 = method[4]; var str2 = "westham"; if (str1.indexOf(str2) != -1) { _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames1'; } } if (treatmentValue != "") { $.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: treatmentValue }, success: function (data) { ExpertsandPractices = data; $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = ExpertsandPractices[index].Slug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

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    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }); } else { Experts.autocomplete({ // source: expertList, source: $.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: treatmentID }, success: function (data) { ExpertsandPractices = data; $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = ExpertsandPractices[index].Slug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

    Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (10)

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }), select: function () { closeDropdowns(); }, close: function () { closeDropdowns(); } }); } // by rakesh Treatments.autocomplete({ source: $.ajax({ url: '/findanexpert/GetSkinconditionSpecialistInterests', type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "" }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlTreatment').empty(); $.each(data, function (index) { if (data.length > 0) { var experts = data[index].SpecialistInterestId + "_" + data[index].Speciality + "_" + data[index].SpecialistInterestsName; $('#ddlTreatment').append('

  • ' + data[index].SpecialistInterestsName + '
  • '); } }); } }), select: function () { closeDropdowns(); }, close: function () { closeDropdowns(); } }); Speciality.autocomplete({ source: $.ajax({ url: '/findanexpert/GetTreaments', type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "" }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlSpeciality').empty(); $.each(data, function (index) { if (data[index].Category == "Treatment") { var experts = data[index].Value + "_" + data[index].Category + "_" + data[index].Label; $('#ddlSpeciality').append('

  • ' + data[index].Label + '
  • '); } }); } }), select: function () { closeDropdowns(); }, close: function () { closeDropdowns(); } }); }); const debounce = (func, delay) => { let debounceTimer return function () { const context = this const args = arguments clearTimeout(debounceTimer) debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), delay) } } function GetPracticeDetails(id) { console.log("id", id); var value = id.getAttribute('value'); var str_array = value.split('_'); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/practices/" + str_array[1] + "/" + str_array[2]; } function GetExpertDetails(id) { debugger console.log("id", id); var value = id.getAttribute('value'); var str_array = value.split('_'); var bussinessName, userId, practiceExpertFlag; bussinessName = str_array[2]; userId = str_array[0]; practiceExpertFlag = str_array[1]; window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/experts/" + str_array[1] + "/" + str_array[2] + "/" + str_array[0]; return; $("#expertselected *").prop('disabled', true); $('#expertselected').fadeTo('slow', .4); $("#treatmentexpertselected *").prop('disabled', true); $('#treatmentexpertselected').fadeTo('slow', .4); $("#chk-virtual-consultation").prop('checked', false); $("#chk-ev-certified").prop('checked', false); $('input:checkbox.filterByBodyArea').each(function () { if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; } }); $('input:checkbox.filterByTreatType').each(function () { if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; } }); $('input:checkbox.filterByProduct').each(function () { if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; } }); var filterByTreatmentTypeId = [], filterByProducts = [], filterByBodyArea = []; filterByTreatmentTypeId = getSelectedId('filterByTreatType'); filterByProducts = getSelectedId('filterByProduct'); filterByBodyArea = getSelectedId('filterByBodyArea'); pageNoTreaType = 1; pageNoBodyArea = 1; pageNoBrand = 1; pageNoProduct = 1; getBodyArea(filterByTreatmentTypeId, filterByBodyArea, filterByProducts, false, pageNoBodyArea); getTreatmentType(filterByTreatmentTypeId, filterByBodyArea, filterByProducts, false, pageNoTreaType); getBrands(false, 1); ResetExpertPractice(); ResetTreatmentSpeciality(); // by rakesh if (practiceExpertFlag == "Expert") { $("#rdoExpert").prop('checked', true); $("#rdoPractice").prop('checked', false); } else if (practiceExpertFlag == "Practice") { $("#rdoPractice").prop('checked', true); $("#rdoExpert").prop('checked', false); } // by rakesh $("#txtExperts").val(bussinessName); $("#hidUserId").val(userId); $("#hidUserType").val(practiceExpertFlag); $("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'none'); $('#ddlExpertSet').css('display', 'none'); $('#mega-ddl').css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlPractices").css('display', 'none'); $('#frmPrationerSearch').trigger('submit'); // by rakesh $.ajax({ url: '/findanexpert/GetTreatmentandSpeciality', type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { Id: userId }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlTreatment').empty(); $('#ddlSpeciality').empty(); //$("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'block'); $.each(data, function (index) { if (data[index].Category == "Treatment") { var experts = data[index].Value + "_" + data[index].Category + "_" + data[index].Label; $('#ddlTreatment').append('

  • ' + data[index].Label + '
  • '); } if (data[index].Category == "Speciality") { var experts = data[index].Value + "_" + data[index].Category + "_" + data[index].Label; if (data[index].SpecialityIcon != null) { $('#ddlSpeciality').append('

  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (11)' + data[index].Label + '
  • '); } else { $('#ddlSpeciality').append('

  • ' + data[index].Label + '
  • '); } // $('#ddlSpeciality').append('

  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (12)' + data[index].Label + '
  • '); } }); }, }); // by rakesh } function GetTreatmentDetails(id) { console.log("id", id); $("#treatmentexpertselected *").prop('disabled', true); $('#treatmentexpertselected').fadeTo('slow', .4); $('input:checkbox.filterByBodyArea').each(function () { if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; } }); $('input:checkbox.filterByTreatType').each(function () { if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; } }); $('input:checkbox.filterByProduct').each(function () { if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; } }); var filterByTreatmentTypeId = [], filterByProducts = [], filterByBodyArea = []; filterByTreatmentTypeId = getSelectedId('filterByTreatType'); filterByProducts = getSelectedId('filterByProduct'); filterByBodyArea = getSelectedId('filterByBodyArea'); pageNoTreaType = 1; pageNoBodyArea = 1; pageNoBrand = 1; pageNoProduct = 1; getBodyArea(filterByTreatmentTypeId, filterByBodyArea, filterByProducts, false, pageNoBodyArea); getTreatmentType(filterByTreatmentTypeId, filterByBodyArea, filterByProducts, false, pageNoTreaType); getBrands(false, 1); ResetExpertPractice(); ResetTreatmentSpeciality(); var value = id.getAttribute('value'); var str_array = value.split('_'); var label, value, category; label = str_array[2]; value = str_array[0]; category = str_array[1]; currentTreatmentId = value; $("#txtTreatments").val(label); $("#hdnSelectedTreatValue").val(value); $("#hdnSelectedCategoryValue").val(category); $("#ddlSpeciality").css('display', 'none'); $('#ddlTreatmentSet').css('display', 'none'); $('#mega-ddlTreatment').css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlTreatment").css('display', 'none'); // by rakesh var _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames'; var url = $(location).attr('href'); var method = url.split('/'); if (method[4] != null) { var str1 = method[4]; var str2 = "westham"; if (str1.indexOf(str2) != -1) { _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames1'; } } $.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: value }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); ExpertsandPractices = data; expertitems = 1; practiceitems = 1; var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = data[index].Slug + "_" + data[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + data[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

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    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }); } function GetSkinConditionDetails(id) { //debugger; //window.location.href = 'skinconditiondetails?skinconditionname=' + SlugName; console.log("id", id); var value = id.getAttribute('value'); var str_array = value.split('_'); var label, value, category; label = str_array[2]; value = str_array[0]; category = str_array[1]; currentTreatmentId = value; $("#txtTreatments").val(label); $("#hdnSelectedTreatValue").val(value); $("#hdnSelectedCategoryValue").val(category); $("#hdnSelectedTreatName").val(label); $("#ddlSpeciality").css('display', 'none'); $('#mega-ddlTreatment').css('display', 'none'); $("#ddlTreatment").css('display', 'none'); // by rakesh var _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames'; var url = $(location).attr('href'); var method = url.split('/'); if (method[4] != null) { var str1 = method[4]; var str2 = "westham"; if (str1.indexOf(str2) != -1) { _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames1'; } } $.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: value }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); ExpertsandPractices = data; expertitems = 1; practiceitems = 1; var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = data[index].Slug + "_" + data[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + data[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

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    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }); // by rakesh } var pgSize = 10; var pgNo = 1; function ClearAll() { //debugger; var practiceExpertFlag = ""; $("#txtTreatments").val(""); $("#txtExperts").val(""); $("#txtLocation").val(""); var frmValues = $("#frmPrationerSearch").serialize(); pgNo = 1; //if ($('#rdoExpert').is(':checked')) { // practiceExpertFlag = 'Expert'; // toggleClick = "true"; //} //else if ($('#rdoPractice').is(':checked')) { // practiceExpertFlag = 'Practice'; // toggleClick = "true"; //} if ($('#tabExpertPractice').is(':checked')) { practiceExpertFlag = 'Practice'; toggleClick = "true"; } else { practiceExpertFlag = 'Expert'; toggleClick = "true"; } var additionalData = { PracticeExpertFlag: practiceExpertFlag, PageSize: pgSize, PageNo: pgNo, UserId:null, toggleClick: toggleClick, ClearAll:true, }; $("#hidUserId").val(""); $("#hdnSelectedTreatValue").val(""); // by rakesh var postData = frmValues + '&' + $.param(additionalData); post('/findanexpert/SearchResult', postData, function (result) { }); $("#txtTreatments").val(""); $("#txtExperts").val(""); $("#txtLocation").val(""); ResetExpertPractice(); // by rakesh $('#frmPrationerSearch').trigger('submit'); //$(".rdoPractice").removeClass('active'); //$(".rdoExpert").addClass('active'); } // by rakesh function ResetExpertPractice() { var filterByTreatmentTypeId = [], filterByProducts = [], filterByBodyArea = []; filterByTreatmentTypeId = getSelectedId('filterByTreatType'); filterByProducts = getSelectedId('filterByProduct'); filterByBodyArea = getSelectedId('filterByBodyArea'); setTimeout(function () { if ($("#txtTreatments").val() == "") { currentTreatmentId = ""; var _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames'; var url = $(location).attr('href'); var method = url.split('/'); if (method[4] != null) { var str1 = method[4]; var str2 = "westham"; if (str1.indexOf(str2) != -1) { _url = '/findanexpert/GetExpertAndPracticeNames1'; } } if (filterByTreatmentTypeId.length == 0 && filterByProducts.length == 0 && filterByBodyArea.length == 0) {$.ajax({ url: _url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: "" }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlExperts').empty(); $('#ddlPractices').empty(); ExpertsandPractices = data; expertitems = 1; practiceitems = 1; var items = 1; for (var index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { expertitems++; if (data[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert" && data[index].ApprovedStatus == true) { items++; var experts = ExpertsandPractices[index].Slug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessSlug + "_" + ExpertsandPractices[index].BusinessLocSlug; $('#ddlExperts').append('

  • ' + '

    Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (15)

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + ExpertsandPractices[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } } }); } } }, 500); var expert = $("#txtExperts").val(); if (expert == "") { $("#expertselected *").prop('disabled', false); $('#expertselected').css({ opacity: 1 }); var treatment = $("#txtTreatments").val(); if (treatment == "") { $("#treatmentexpertselected *").prop('disabled', false); $('#treatmentexpertselected').css({ opacity: 1 }); } } } // by rakesh // by rakesh function ResetTreatmentSpeciality() { setTimeout(function(){ if ($("#txtExperts").val() == "") { $.ajax({ url: '/findanexpert/GetSkinconditionSpecialistInterests', type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: "" }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlTreatment').empty(); $.each(data, function (index) { if (data.length > 0) { //var experts = data[index].Slug + "_" + data[index].Category + "_" + data[index].SkinConditionName; var experts = data[index].SpecialistInterestId + "_" + data[index].Speciality + "_" + data[index].SpecialistInterestsName; $('#ddlTreatment').append('

  • ' + data[index].SpecialistInterestsName + '
  • '); } }); } }); $.ajax({ url: '/findanexpert/GetTreaments', type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { search: "", treatmentID: "" }, success: function (data) { $('#ddlSpeciality').empty(); $.each(data, function (index) { if (data[index].Category == "Treatment") { var experts = data[index].Value + "_" + data[index].Category + "_" + data[index].Label; $('#ddlSpeciality').append('

  • ' + data[index].Label + '
  • '); } }); } }); } }, 500); }

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    ' + ''); if (items > 8) { break; } } else if (result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert") { items++; var experts = result.expertorpractice[index].UserId + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName; $('#ddlExperts').append('
  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (19)

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (items > 8) { break; } } } var currentpracticeitems = 1; for (var index = 0; index < result.expertorpractice.length; index++) { practiceitems++; if (result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Practice") { currentpracticeitems++; var experts = result.expertorpractice[index].UserId + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName; $('#ddlPractices').append('
  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (20)

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].Address + '

    ' + '
  • '); if (currentpracticeitems > 8) { break; } } } //$('#ddlExperts').empty(); //$('#ddlPractices').empty(); ////$("#ddlExperts").css('display', 'block'); //$.each(result.expertorpractice, function (index) { // if (result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Expert") { // var experts = result.expertorpractice[index].UserId + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName; // $('#ddlExperts').append('
  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (21)

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName + '

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].ProfessionalTitle + '

    ' + '
  • '); // } // if (result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag == "Practice") { // if (result.expertorpractice[index].Address == null) { // result.expertorpractice[index].Address = ""; // } // var experts = result.expertorpractice[index].UserId + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].PracticeExpertFlag + "_" + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName; // $('#ddlPractices').append('
  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (22)

    ' + result.expertorpractice[index].BussinessName + "

    " + result.expertorpractice[index].Address + '

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (25)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (26)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (27)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (28)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (29)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (32)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (34)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (35)

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  • ' + 'Find ZO - ZO Skin Health (36)

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// by rakesh var treatment = $("#hdnSelectedTreatValue").val(); // by rakesh pgNo++; var additionalData = { PageSize: pgSize, PageNo: pgNo, toggleClick: toggleClick, PracticeExpertFlag: practiceExpertFlag, Location: location, // by rakesh SortFlag: sortFlag, // by rakesh Treatment: treatment, // by rakesh FilterByBodyArea: filterByBodyArea, FilterByTreatmentTypeId: filterByTreatmentTypeId, FilterByBrands: filterByProducts, FilterByDistance: $("#ddlDistance").val(), }; var postData = frmValues + '&' + $.param(additionalData); post('/findanexpert/SearchResult', additionalData, function (result) { moreRecords = result.moreRecords; if (moreRecords == false) { //$('#btnLoadMorePractioner').prop("disabled", "disabled"); //below 2 lines are added by priyanka $('#btnLoadMorePractioner').css("display", "none"); $('#recordNotFound').css("display", "none"); } else { $("#search-result #btnLoadMorePractioner").remove(); } $("#search-result").append(; }, function (err) { console.log(err); }); } function onChangeddlSort() { pgNo = 1; console.log(pgNo); $('#frmPrationerSearch').trigger('submit'); } function getSelectedId(slectedClass) { var selctedId = []; $('input:checkbox.' + slectedClass).each(function () { if (this.checked) { selctedId.push($(this).data("id")); } }); return selctedId; } //$('#btnClearAllFilters').click(function () { // //$("#txtLocation").val(''); // //$("#txtTreatments").val(''); // //$("#txtExperts").val(''); // // commented by rakesh // //$("#hidUserId").val(''); // //$("#hidBusinessId").val(''); // //$("#hidUserType").val(''); // //$("#hidBussinessName").val(''); // //$('#hdnSelectedTreatValue').val(''); // //$("#txtTreatments").val(''); // by rakesh // //$("#txtExperts").val(''); // by rakesh // //$("#txtLocation").val(''); // by rakesh // // commented by rakesh // getTreatmentType([], [], [], false, pageNoTreaType); // getBodyArea([], [], [], false, pageNoBodyArea); // getBrands(false, pageNoBrand); // $('input:checkbox.filterByTreatType').each(function () { // if (this.checked) { // var chkbox = (this).id; // $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); // } // }); // $('input:checkbox.filterByBrand').each(function () { // if (this.checked) { // var chkbox = (this).id; // $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); // } // }); // $('input:checkbox.filterByBodyArea').each(function () { // if (this.checked) { // var chkbox = (this).id; // $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); // } // }); // $('#btnFilterByTreatType').trigger('click'); // $("#btnClearAllFilters").css("display", "none"); //}); function RemoveTreatment(treatId) { $('input:checkbox.filterByTreatType').each(function () { if (this.checked) { if (treatId == ($(this).data("id"))) { var chkbox = (this).id; $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); } } }); $('#btnFilterByTreatType').trigger('click'); } function RemoveBrand(treatId) { $('input:checkbox.filterByProduct').each(function () { if (this.checked) { if (treatId == ($(this).data("id"))) { var chkbox = (this).id; $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); } } }); $('#btnFilterByBrand').trigger('click'); } function RemoveBodyArea(treatId) { $('input:checkbox.filterByBodyArea').each(function () { if (this.checked) { if (treatId == ($(this).data("id"))) { var chkbox = (this).id; $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); } } }); $('#btnFilterByBodyArea').trigger('click'); } function getTreatmentType(filterByTreatmentTypeId, filterByBodyArea, filterByProducts, isPaging, pageNo) { pageNo = isPaging == true ? pageNo : 1; var requestModel = { Treatment: null, FilterByTreatmentTypeId: filterByTreatmentTypeId, FilterByBodyArea: filterByBodyArea, FilterByProducts: filterByProducts, PageNo: pageNo, PageSize: filterPanelPageSize }; post('/findanexpert/GetTreatmentTypes', requestModel, function (result) { if (isPaging) { $("#divEightTreatment").append(result.treatTypesHtml); } else { $("#div-filter-treat-type").html(result.treatTypesHtml); } if (result.moreRecords == false) { $("#btnShowMoreTreatType").hide(); //$("#btnShowMoreTreatType").removeClass("cursor-pointer"); } else { $("#btnShowMoreTreatType").show(); } }, function (err) { console.log(err); }); } function getBodyArea(filterByTreatmentTypeId, filterByBodyArea, filterByProducts, isPaging, pageNo) { pageNo = isPaging == true ? pageNo : 1; var requestModel = { Treatment: null, FilterByTreatmentTypeId: filterByTreatmentTypeId, FilterByBodyArea: filterByBodyArea, FilterByProducts: filterByProducts, PageNo: pageNo, PageSize: filterPanelPageSize }; post('/findanexpert/GetBodyAreas', requestModel, function (result) { if (isPaging) { $("#divEightBodyArea").append(result.bodyAreaHtml); } else { $("#div-filter-bodyarea").html(result.bodyAreaHtml); } if (result.moreRecords == false) { $("#btnShowMoreBodyArea").hide(); //$("#btnShowMoreBodyArea").removeClass("cursor-pointer"); } else { $("#btnShowMoreBodyArea").show(); } }, function (err) { console.log(err); }); } function getBrands(isPaging, pageNo) { pageNo = isPaging == true ? pageNo : 1; var requestModel = { PageNo: pageNo, PageSize: filterPanelPageSize }; post('/findanexpert/GetBrandsMaster', requestModel, function (result) { if (isPaging) { $("#divEightBrand").append(result.brandHtml); if (result.moreRecords == false) { $("#btnShowMoreBrands").prop('disabled', true); $("#btnShowMoreBrands").removeClass("cursor-pointer"); } } else { $("#div-filter-brand").html(result.brandHtml); } if (result.moreRecords == false) { $("#btnShowMoreProductBrands").hide(); } else { $("#btnShowMoreProductBrands").show(); } }, function (err) { console.log(err); }); } //by priyanka waghmare dated as 11-10-19 function GetExpertPracticeListOnToggle() { //debugger; pgNo = 1; var frmValues = $("#frmPrationerSearch").serialize(); // taB EXPERT /PRACTICE if ($('#tabExpertPractice').is(':checked')) { practiceExpertFlag = 'Practice'; toggleClick = "true"; } else { practiceExpertFlag = 'Expert'; toggleClick = "true"; } //$("#txtTreatments").val(""); //$("#txtExperts").val(""); //$("#txtLocation").val(""); //pgNo++; var additionalData = { PageSize: pgSize, PageNo: pgNo, PracticeExpertFlag: practiceExpertFlag, UserId: null, toggleClick: toggleClick, }; var postData = frmValues + $.param(additionalData); post('/findanexpert/SearchResult', postData, function (result) { $('#search-result').html(''); $("#search-result").append(; }); } function SetPageNo() // by rakesh { // by rakesh //debugger; pgNo = 1; // by rakesh } // by rakesh var centerLat; var centerLong; var addressName; function ShowMapForLocation(latitude, longitude, location) { //debugger; //markerss = []; centerLat = parseFloat(latitude); centerLong = parseFloat(longitude); addressName = location; //lat = centerLat; //lng = centerLong; //MapInitializeForLocation(); MapInitialize(); } function MapInitializeForLocation() { var myLatLng = { lat: centerLat, lng: centerLong }; var mapProp = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(centerLat, centerLong), zoom: 15, styles: MapStyler(), fullscreenControl: false, draggable: false, options: { zoomControl: false, mapTypeControl: false, scaleControl: false, streetViewControl: false, rotateControl: false, } }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("onMapImage"), mapProp); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, title: '', draggable: false, // icon: '../images/Map/BlackMarker.png', }); } // by rakesh function ClearAllFilters() { //$("#txtLocation").val(''); //$("#txtTreatments").val(''); //$("#txtExperts").val(''); // commented by rakesh //$("#hidUserId").val(''); //$("#hidBusinessId").val(''); //$("#hidUserType").val(''); //$("#hidBussinessName").val(''); //$('#hdnSelectedTreatValue').val(''); //$("#txtTreatments").val(''); // by rakesh //$("#txtExperts").val(''); // by rakesh //$("#txtLocation").val(''); // by rakesh // commented by rakesh getTreatmentType([], [], [], false, pageNoTreaType); getBodyArea([], [], [], false, pageNoBodyArea); getBrands(false, pageNoBrand); $('input:checkbox.filterByTreatType').each(function () { if (this.checked) { var chkbox = (this).id; $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); } }); $('input:checkbox.filterByProduct').each(function () { if (this.checked) { var chkbox = (this).id; $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); } }); $('input:checkbox.filterByBodyArea').each(function () { if (this.checked) { var chkbox = (this).id; $("#" + chkbox).prop('checked', false); } }); $('#btnFilterByTreatType').trigger('click'); $("#btnClearAllFilters").css("display", "none"); } // by rakesh //var largeIcon = { // url: websiteURL + "images/Map/blue.png", // scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(48, 48) //} function selectMarker(storeId, status) { //debugger //alert("enter"); //alert(storeId); //alert(status); var i, len, marker; // Find the correct marker to change based on the storeId. //for (i = 0, len = markerss.length; i < len; i++) { // if (markerss[i].storeId == storeId) { // marker = markerss[i]; // if (status == "start") { // marker.setIcon(largeIcon); // } else { // marker.setIcon(regIcon); // } // } //} for (var j = 0; j < markerss.length; j++) { if (markerss[j].id == storeId) { if (status == "start") { //markerss[j].setIcon(largeIcon); markerss[j].setAnimation(google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE); //markerss[j].setIcon(websiteURL + "images/Map/AA-Decline.png"); } else { markerss[j].setIcon(websiteURL + "images/Map/AA-Growth.svg"); //markerss[j].setAnimation(google.maps.Animation.DROP); markerss[j].setAnimation(null); } } else { markerss[j].setIcon(websiteURL + "images/Map/AA-Growth.svg"); //markerss[j].setAnimation(google.maps.Animation.DROP); markerss[j].setAnimation(null); } } } //google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dragend', function() { // alert("map change"); //}) //google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function () { // alert("map changedddd"); //})

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    Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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    Views: 5387

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    Author information

    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

    Birthday: 1997-12-21

    Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

    Phone: +3763365785260

    Job: Accounting Engineer

    Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.