Fasting and prayer are two of the most dynamic tools God has given His children. When we fast and pray it deepens our relationship with Him while also acting as a powerful weapon against the enemy. It is vital that every believer not only understands the importance of fasting and prayer but also knows how to do it effectively.

What is fasting?
Biblical fasting is the practice of voluntarily abstaining from food and or liquids for a specified time to focus one’s thoughts and attention on God. Unlike intermittent fasting, where the focus is to abstain from food for weight loss purposes, Biblical fasting’s primary focus is to subdue our flesh so that we can more easily connect with God on a spiritual level. It is not just about not eating, but rather about seeking God more diligently via praying and studying His word.
Benefits of fasting
The benefits of fasting and prayer are innumerable. There are spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical advantages to turning down our plate and seeking God. The list includes:
- Deeper connection with God
- More sensitivity to spiritual matters
- Answered prayers
- Clarity regarding decisions to be made
- Demonic strongholds breaking
- Physical, mental, and emotional healing
- Freedom from addiction
- Courage for an intimidating undertaking
- And more!
Types of fasts
There are three major types of fasts we see in the scriptures.
Standard fast
During a standard fast, you abstain from all food and drink except water for a set period.
Partial fast
During a partial fast, you abstain from a particular type of food or restrict food for a specified time. Examples of this include abstaining from foods that contain animal products or not eating any food from sun up to sundown.
Absolute Fast
In an absolute fast, a person does not consume ANY food or liquids (including water) for a set time.
Honorable mention: The Daniel Fast
The Daniel fast is a type of partial fast that was made popular by the Old Testament prophet Daniel. During this 21-day fast, alcohol and foods that contain animal products, processed ingredients, or preservatives are restricted.
When to fast
Fasting and prayer should be a regular, consistent discipline in a Christian’s life just as standard practice; however, there are specific times when you should consider calling a fast. These include:
- When you need God’s direction
- When you feel distant from God or have trouble hearing from Him
- When you’re undertaking a new or major endeavor
- When you or your family is under spiritual attack
- When you want to grow closer to God
- When you need to get control of your flesh/carnal nature
- At the beginning of a new season of life
How to fast
If you’ve never fasted before, it may seem daunting, but that’s not necessarily true. Fasting and prayer is very straightforward.
- Decide what type of fast you will do.
- Identify distractions and eliminate them (ex: if social media is a major distraction, decide in advance that you will not log on during the times you’ll be fasting and praying).
- Set a time to meet with God in prayer and Bible study each day.
- Maintain a posture of prayer throughout the fast.
Number 4 is probably the most important part of this whole equation. A fast without prayer is just a diet, and thus has no benefit beyond the physical aspects it can provide. Fasting and prayer has two main focuses: 1.) limit or abstain from food to subdue your flesh and 2.) grow closer to God via prayer and the study of His word. It’s that simple!
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer Guide
If you’ve never fasted before – or if it’s been a long time – I created a comprehensive fasting guide just for you! At the beginning of every year I like to dedicate three weeks to fasting and prayer. It is my way of putting God first at the top of the year to set the tone for the rest of the year. This year the Lord led me to call a corporate fast, and I invite you to join me! We start on Monday, January 8, 2024.
Whether you’re jumping in while the fast is happening in real time, or you found this blog post after the fact, I still encourage you to download the guide and seek the Lord in your own fast. Everything you need to complete the fast successfully has been included. Inside you will find tips on how to fast successfully, helpful books and blog posts to deepen your understanding, journaling questions to guide you before and after the fast, a daily journal section for prayer and reflection, and more.
Click the image below to download the guide and get started on your fast now!
As always, if you have questions, need help, or want prayer you can contact me via email at or via DM on my Instagram. In the meantime, I’m here praying for you and cheering you on!

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